Saturday, June 13, 2009

Not Perfect...But Not an Epic Fail

Originally uploaded by IowaSunshine
Wilton Decorating classes are no easy pass! Moreover, you learn that decorating cakes IS NOT an easy thing to do. I have a new-found respect for cake decorators.

I've been decorating for years, but never doing it right. Now, I'm having to correct those bad habits (such as lifting the tip up before I'm finished piping).

Personally, the hardest thing for me is staying on task, because after about 1 hour your hands and wrists hurt like hell. By 1.5 hours your back spasms at times and your knuckles cramp. I DID NOT KNOW KNUCKLES CRAMP!

Yet, this class is worth the pain for many reasons. One, I'm being social. And, two, I'm learning a skill I've always wanted.

Even though I'm not perfect at piping, I will practice until all stars are alike. I want my zig-zag to have more zig and well, let's just say I'm not the best at frosting a cake. BUT, I AM LEARNING!

I had been putting off this course for a long time, but I'm so happy I finally took the plunge and am completing the course. Will I continue? I think I'll go through with course 2, but I'm still debating courses 3 and 4.

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