Sunday, August 23, 2009


Originally uploaded by IowaSunshine
WOWZER! I didn't expect the beginning of the school year to hit me so hard. I have a few recipes and reviews to post, so I'll try to spread them out. On the good side, I have everything ready for my classes for the next 1.5 weeks! I'm teaching a new class this year--I have 4 classes to prep for--and so I have a little more work.

Anyway, Jeff made me mad yesterday so I experimented in the kitchen. Yeah--that's the healthy way I experiment in the kitchen. So, what you see here came from a fit of aggression, but we both liked it when we ate it for supper.

Plus, I was trying to clean out my fridge.

2 hot dogs (I used Hebrew National Beef--97% Lean)
5 eggs
splash of milk
1/2 c. 2% cheese, shredded
2 hot dog buns--whole wheat
ketchup (optional)

Fry hot dogs in skillet, take out and then cut up into bite-sized pieces. Mix eggs and milk together. Pour egg mixture into skillet and let set up for about a minute. Add cut hot dogs and let sit for about 30 seconds, then scramble eggs until they are done.

Place eggs in buns and sprinkle with cheese. Then top with ketchup--I did, Jeff didn't. He doesn't understand my relationship with ketchup.

Verdict: We thought this was fun--and would be a great idea when you're camping! This made a lot, so I would probably kick the eggs back to 4, and definitely use only 2 hot dogs. I used three (so I wouldn't have to throw one away) and it was WAY too much!

Jeff named this post--he thought it would be an awesome name for the egg dish.

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